You will all know that every episode certain spoilers are leaked onto the internet concerning LOST. I for one DO NOT read spoilers, in face I dont even watch the promos for the next episode. It has been revealed that DARKUFO has posted a MASSIVE spoiler for the season 4 finale on his spoilers site. I am not against spoilers as such, but when such a huge spoiler is posted it brings out the idiots.... I have already happened across spoilers form the next episode through no fault of my own. I entered the main DARKUFO chatroom, where it is stated that spoilers aren't allowed and LOSTFAN108 (or an impersonator)had posted posted spoilers for ALL to see. I am ANGRY that I have been partly spoiled because someone has let this information leak. I also find it DISRESPECTFUL to all those people who put in a lot of work to make sure LOST is full of twist and turns and things that keep us guessing!! WHAT IS THE POINT WHEN PEOLE RUIN IT LIKE THIS!
What do you think of spoilers?
by Santa at 3:45:00 PM
New Spoilers Restart Controversy
Note: No spoilers in this article. No spoilers in comments please (Comments thread will be moderated).
In the wake of a major scene-by-scene spoiler of the Season 4 finale by the Lost fansite DarkUFO, I must say I'm disappointed (again) but not surprised. Apparently he has received very specific spoilers for the season finale, and has posted the synopsis of the first hour of three, apparently a very detailed scene-by-scene reveal. A new controversy is brewing, and we want to hear your opinions.
Andy, the proprietor of DarkUFO, says he received the information from a source claiming to call himself Lostfan108. If you don't remember, Lostfan108 was the person who gave Dark the spoiler for the finale of Season 3, perhaps one of the biggest mindfucks in television history. I'm glad I wasn't spoiled for that one. Dark of course released the information and started a huge controversy, causing Darlton to sulk into radio silence. If this is indeed the same Lostfan108, the content is real.
This time, DarkUFO has taken some care, including posting warnings, guidelines on behaviors such as disseminating spoilers responsibly, and posting the spoiler as a flash slideshow that can't be easily copy-pasted in its current form. Of course we all know a text summary will be posted soon, somewhere, by somebody. If there is a huge twist at the end of this season, it too will be accidentally spoiled for many fans as the site promises to release spoilers for the final two parts of the finale. Is it worth it, Andy?
For the rest of you, be careful on "teh Internetz" for the next few weeks. It's a dangerous world out there.
I AM NOT posting this as a hate campaign towards DARKUFO, I am posting this as a warning to all those who wish to stay clean for the season finale! PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL PEOPLE. Spoiler fools are EVERYWHERE. I have found this out first hand :(
The Lost Season 5 Countdown

Welcome one and all to the official blog page for station #12, The Shotglass.
Here at The Shotglass, we class ourselves as friends, not just a group of Lost fans that happen to be in the same place at the same time. We like to bring a fun element into the Lost community.
We have our own chatroom where we like to grab a dharmabeer, kick back and chat about whatever comes up. We have various pages of our blog--- which are ever expanding.
We want to hear what you think of the pages so please, get in contact, leave some feedback, what you would like to see here, what you like, what you don't like, or any improvements we could make. After all, we couldn't do this without you. Your contributions make us able to do what we do.
We also have a weekly competition for hatch hottie of the week. There are 2 separate competitions, one for girls, one for guys. Girls email entries to
Guys email entriesToni And Niki
Thanks for your support everyone. Hope to hear your thoughts soon
Niki, Toni, Wes and Croucher.
Here at The Shotglass, we class ourselves as friends, not just a group of Lost fans that happen to be in the same place at the same time. We like to bring a fun element into the Lost community.
We have our own chatroom where we like to grab a dharmabeer, kick back and chat about whatever comes up. We have various pages of our blog--- which are ever expanding.
We want to hear what you think of the pages so please, get in contact, leave some feedback, what you would like to see here, what you like, what you don't like, or any improvements we could make. After all, we couldn't do this without you. Your contributions make us able to do what we do.
We also have a weekly competition for hatch hottie of the week. There are 2 separate competitions, one for girls, one for guys. Girls email entries to
Guys email entries
Thanks for your support everyone. Hope to hear your thoughts soon
Niki, Toni, Wes and Croucher.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - ABC has found more hours for the final two seasons of Lost. The 2009 and 2010 editions of the hit drama will be 17 hours each -- not 16, as previously planned.
ABC has added two hours to the show's production plan because the Writers Guild of America strike knocked three hours out of the current season. To partly compensate, the network recently added an additional hour to Part 2 of the season finale that airs May 29.
All told, the changes will wrap up the show with the same number of episodes that producers and ABC negotiated last year.
"We were supposed to do 16-16-16," Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof said. "But we ended up doing 14 this season, so we owe two."
Lindelof, however, ruled out the idea that the show might extend beyond the remaining 34-episode order.
"(Executive producer) Carlton Cuse and I worked so hard to get the show to end that I think to suddenly say, 'Oh, I think we've got another season in us' would be a betrayal to everybody involved in the show -- but most of all the audience," he said. "It's better to retire your number at the top of your game."
For the upcoming season finale, Lindelof promised a more action-driven cliffhanger instead of the mind-bending flash-forward time shift that stunned fans last season.
"The finale this year will not be as tricky as last year," he said. "Hopefully, this year it's a little bit more of a straightforward action-adventure narrative. But the ending of the episode will hopefully engage and intrigue people looking forward to the next season of the show."
Lindelof declined to say whether the flash-forwards will continue, but he did leave open the possibility of the show's main story line on the island catching up with the flash-forwards that have taken place on the mainland this season.
"It's very exciting that the audience is going to be wondering when is the present going to be (next season)," he said. "We've moved backward in time, now we've moved forward in time. The present of the show has always been on the island -- that may not necessarily be the case in the future."
When it comes time to air the series finale in 2010, Lindelof said he and Cuse plan to "go into hiding for many, many months" at an "undisclosed location."
"David Chase set a great example when he went off to Paris after The Sopranos ending, which is great because all these people are going to be asking, 'What does it mean? What is it?"' he said. "The fact that there's no one really around to answer that question, it forces people to come up with what they think it means. We can guarantee our show will not end with a cut to black, it will be more clear than that. But whenever anything you love ends ... there's a certain disappointment."
ABC has added two hours to the show's production plan because the Writers Guild of America strike knocked three hours out of the current season. To partly compensate, the network recently added an additional hour to Part 2 of the season finale that airs May 29.
All told, the changes will wrap up the show with the same number of episodes that producers and ABC negotiated last year.
"We were supposed to do 16-16-16," Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof said. "But we ended up doing 14 this season, so we owe two."
Lindelof, however, ruled out the idea that the show might extend beyond the remaining 34-episode order.
"(Executive producer) Carlton Cuse and I worked so hard to get the show to end that I think to suddenly say, 'Oh, I think we've got another season in us' would be a betrayal to everybody involved in the show -- but most of all the audience," he said. "It's better to retire your number at the top of your game."
For the upcoming season finale, Lindelof promised a more action-driven cliffhanger instead of the mind-bending flash-forward time shift that stunned fans last season.
"The finale this year will not be as tricky as last year," he said. "Hopefully, this year it's a little bit more of a straightforward action-adventure narrative. But the ending of the episode will hopefully engage and intrigue people looking forward to the next season of the show."
Lindelof declined to say whether the flash-forwards will continue, but he did leave open the possibility of the show's main story line on the island catching up with the flash-forwards that have taken place on the mainland this season.
"It's very exciting that the audience is going to be wondering when is the present going to be (next season)," he said. "We've moved backward in time, now we've moved forward in time. The present of the show has always been on the island -- that may not necessarily be the case in the future."
When it comes time to air the series finale in 2010, Lindelof said he and Cuse plan to "go into hiding for many, many months" at an "undisclosed location."
"David Chase set a great example when he went off to Paris after The Sopranos ending, which is great because all these people are going to be asking, 'What does it mean? What is it?"' he said. "The fact that there's no one really around to answer that question, it forces people to come up with what they think it means. We can guarantee our show will not end with a cut to black, it will be more clear than that. But whenever anything you love ends ... there's a certain disappointment."
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Lost: Something Nice "LESSONS LEARNED" from E! online
This is woefully delayed, due to the plague that swept through E! Online last week, but we checked in with Lost coexecutive producer Eddy Kitsis about last week's ep of Lost, "Something Nice Back Home," and got his awesome insights on:
♦ What exactly drove Jack to kick-start that pesky clonazepam addiction
♦ When we might see the Oceanic Six next
♦ Why some characters are going crazy while others are finally turning sane...
Lesson No. 1, Motherhood Beats Paxil Any Day of the Week:
I don't know about you guys, but to me, future Kate is stunningly even-keeled, especially when compared with the girl we've seen before and on the Island. What's up?
According to Eddie: "You could say motherhood suits her. In the flash-forwards of this season, and even of last season, when she meets Jack and she's annoyed with him, there's a sense of purpose to her, there's some clarity to her. There's so much devotion to that child, and she appears to be such a great mother—that's maybe what you're picking up on...I think when you have a child, they come first. Even though it's not hers, just the fact of taking care of Aaron may have helped her put away some other issues. Or not. It is Lost." But still...progress!
Lesson No. 2, Happiness Is Hot Coffee and a Warm Girlfriend:
According to Eddie: "Like anything with Lost, you're just seeing a small amount of time in what is going to be a much larger picture, but I think 'Something Nice Back Home' was interesting because you saw a time, maybe brief, where Jack was happy. For that brief time, Jack decided after the trial at some point to pursue his relationship with Kate, to go see Aaron, and if you see that first scene, when he steps on the Millennium Falcon and he was making coffee, that was a Jack who was content." So where'd it all go wrong?
Lesson No. 3, Sometimes You Should Just Talk to Your White-Shoed Dead Father:
Unlike Hurley, who doesn't take his pills so he's able talk to Charlie, Jack takes pills so he can avoid seeing his dead dad—even though the ever-wise Hurley says Christian will be coming by specifically to talk to Jack. Why the differing approach to communing with ghosts?
Says Eddie: "Jack has always been a man of science. He's always been a man of science, and there has to be something logical. The scene where Jack is starring at the bench where Hurley sits when Charlie visits him, I think in that moment he's thinking, my life right now is pretty good, I don't want to end up here."
Awww, come on, Doc, sitting under a banyan tree hanging with your BFF? That's awesome—who cares if the guy is dead?!
Lesson No. 4, Jacket Is Down, But Not Out:
Don't assume Juliet's self-sacrificing speech to Kate in the medical tent is the last we'll ever see of Jacket. Says Eddie: "Is that the end of Jack and Juliet? That is a definitive question that I can't answer, because...I can't. Because I work on Lost, and Damon and Carlton are parked outside my house, listening." Translation? It looks to me like a Jacket romance is unlikely at this point, but not altogether off the table.
Lesson No. 5, There Are Many Off-Island, O-Six Stories Yet to Come:
Don't think that season four is the only season of Oceanic Six stories. According to Eddie: "I think that through the next two seasons, you will see bits and pieces of all the time off the Island, be it when they come back or a year later after they return. There are many interesting stories left to be had for all of the Oceanic Six."
Lesson No. 6, Eddie Is One of Us:
Last but not least, even if you do think your flu is West Nile virus, don't try and tell Eddie Kitsis that you're the most worst hypochondriac in the world. Says Eddie, "You haven't met me and [writing partner] Adam [Horowitz], because we don't touch doorknobs. I am known for being able to actually leave a bathroom, go into the kitchen, grab water, come into the writers' room and never touch anything. It is a skill I am known for on the show." Awww...Now that's my kind of guy!
♦ What exactly drove Jack to kick-start that pesky clonazepam addiction
♦ When we might see the Oceanic Six next
♦ Why some characters are going crazy while others are finally turning sane...
Lesson No. 1, Motherhood Beats Paxil Any Day of the Week:
I don't know about you guys, but to me, future Kate is stunningly even-keeled, especially when compared with the girl we've seen before and on the Island. What's up?
According to Eddie: "You could say motherhood suits her. In the flash-forwards of this season, and even of last season, when she meets Jack and she's annoyed with him, there's a sense of purpose to her, there's some clarity to her. There's so much devotion to that child, and she appears to be such a great mother—that's maybe what you're picking up on...I think when you have a child, they come first. Even though it's not hers, just the fact of taking care of Aaron may have helped her put away some other issues. Or not. It is Lost." But still...progress!
Lesson No. 2, Happiness Is Hot Coffee and a Warm Girlfriend:
According to Eddie: "Like anything with Lost, you're just seeing a small amount of time in what is going to be a much larger picture, but I think 'Something Nice Back Home' was interesting because you saw a time, maybe brief, where Jack was happy. For that brief time, Jack decided after the trial at some point to pursue his relationship with Kate, to go see Aaron, and if you see that first scene, when he steps on the Millennium Falcon and he was making coffee, that was a Jack who was content." So where'd it all go wrong?
Lesson No. 3, Sometimes You Should Just Talk to Your White-Shoed Dead Father:
Unlike Hurley, who doesn't take his pills so he's able talk to Charlie, Jack takes pills so he can avoid seeing his dead dad—even though the ever-wise Hurley says Christian will be coming by specifically to talk to Jack. Why the differing approach to communing with ghosts?
Says Eddie: "Jack has always been a man of science. He's always been a man of science, and there has to be something logical. The scene where Jack is starring at the bench where Hurley sits when Charlie visits him, I think in that moment he's thinking, my life right now is pretty good, I don't want to end up here."
Awww, come on, Doc, sitting under a banyan tree hanging with your BFF? That's awesome—who cares if the guy is dead?!
Lesson No. 4, Jacket Is Down, But Not Out:
Don't assume Juliet's self-sacrificing speech to Kate in the medical tent is the last we'll ever see of Jacket. Says Eddie: "Is that the end of Jack and Juliet? That is a definitive question that I can't answer, because...I can't. Because I work on Lost, and Damon and Carlton are parked outside my house, listening." Translation? It looks to me like a Jacket romance is unlikely at this point, but not altogether off the table.
Lesson No. 5, There Are Many Off-Island, O-Six Stories Yet to Come:
Don't think that season four is the only season of Oceanic Six stories. According to Eddie: "I think that through the next two seasons, you will see bits and pieces of all the time off the Island, be it when they come back or a year later after they return. There are many interesting stories left to be had for all of the Oceanic Six."
Lesson No. 6, Eddie Is One of Us:
Last but not least, even if you do think your flu is West Nile virus, don't try and tell Eddie Kitsis that you're the most worst hypochondriac in the world. Says Eddie, "You haven't met me and [writing partner] Adam [Horowitz], because we don't touch doorknobs. I am known for being able to actually leave a bathroom, go into the kitchen, grab water, come into the writers' room and never touch anything. It is a skill I am known for on the show." Awww...Now that's my kind of guy!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Lost REDUX: TSOTTC hilarious recap from Kristen at E!
Benjamin Linus and Charles Widmore Are Ex-Lovers!
OK, so that's probably a bit of a stretch, but among the 4,815 reveals in the final scene of the evening—in which Ben breaks into Charles' penthouse to deliver the news he's going to kill Penny—it seems perfectly clear that:
These two have known each other a very long time. (Ben to Charles: "Since when do you sleep with a bottle of Scotch next to the bed?")
They've had some sort of major falling-out that has led to all-out, daughter-slaying war. (Charles to Ben: "Everything you have you took from me.")
In the divorce, maybe Charles got the money and Ben got the Island? Or were they roommates—an Odd Couple gone madly awry after too many quarrels over spilled milk?
Ben Is Hunting Penelope, and Charles Is Hunting the Island:
Awe. Some. What do you wanna bet that the series finale will be Ben and Charles and Penny and Des all meeting up on Lost Island for the ultimate showdown? Booyah!
Ben Says He "Can't" Kill Charles Widmore:
Perhaps this is a "rule" set up by Jacob/the man behind the curtain. Or perhaps...Chuckie-boy physically cannot be killed, just as with Michael.
LOL Moment of the Night:
Sawyer screaming at everyone to "Get inside!" as every non-series-regular in sight was immediately shot down, rapid fire. Turns out employment contracts are better than bullet-proof vests or invisibility cloaks. Yay!
Claire Is Alive!
So, the blast leveled Claire's house but left her looking totally unscathed without so much as her wig off-kilter?! Awesome! Somebody's looking out for our little Claire-bear.
Alex Is Dead:
Wow. Wow. Wow. Was anyone anticipating Widmore's thug would actually pull the trigger and shoot our little Scrappy in the head? Clearly, Ben was not. Alex was so sweet and beautiful and full of future-storyline potential, you'd think the "Island" would protect her à la Michael and make the trigger jam or the bullet a dud! But alas, Alex is indeed dead, as confirmed by future Ben's future words with Charles. Sigh.
Ben Does Have a Heart:
Who knew?! I pictured his innards all hollow and moldy, like a bachelor fridge. But those were real tears he shed over Alex, and they came when no one was looking. Henry Gale is the Tin Man, after all!
Let's Get Our Geography On!
First, you should know that La Brea and Santa Monica Boulevard, where Nadia's assassin was spotted via traffic-light cam, is an actual place with an actual traffic cam. I know this because I personally have received a red-light ticket from that very camera. (I also got pulled over while leaving the Lost set two weeks ago, but that's another story for another time.) We learned tonight that Nadia was killed three blocks from La Brea and Santa Monica, which just so happens to be the very area in which Joss Whedon was shooting Dollhouse today! Coinkydink? You bet!
The Liar, the Which and the Wardrobe:
Where the bejeezus did Ben go when he holed himself up in the wardrobe closet and conjured up the smoke monster? Given that he entered the closet squeaky clean and returned all covered in soot, can we assume he had to get the monster's engine started by shoveling coal into Smoky? Also, is it possible that there does indeed exist a whole underground web of tunnels that connect the hatches? Carlton Cuse did (jokingly?) tease to us last year, "There's a vast subterranean culture that we haven't revealed." Hmmmm!
Easter Egg Hunt:
If you're into the TiVo moments of this show, and draft out the floor plans of the Dharma stations in your spare time, you're gonna wanna check out Doc Arzt's awesome Easter Egg slide show for this ep, which includes a look at the Orchid Station letterman's jacket, the Black Rock above Widmore's bed, the hieroglyphics on the way to the monster pen (paging Lost's Egyptologist fans) and the ever-morphing mystery woman on Ben's wall.
"Australia's the Key to the Whole Game":
So sayeth Hurley during tonight's game of Risk, and I sayeth we listen! Flight 815 originated in Sydney, por supuesto, as did Aaron and Claire, who are supposedly integral to what Lost is all about...Not to mention Charles Widmore's obvious Aussie accent! (OK, that might be unintentional, since Alan Dale is from the Land Down Under in real life, but still.)
Also... Ben was doing his cute little Ben thing and bold-faced lying to Sayid about how he got off Lost island. Desmond's boat? As if! He rode the Dharma polar bear express to the Sahara, rode a pony from there into Tunisia and then it's totally unclear how he got to Iraq. See below for a little geography lesson brought to you by our fun pink crayon...
OK, so that's probably a bit of a stretch, but among the 4,815 reveals in the final scene of the evening—in which Ben breaks into Charles' penthouse to deliver the news he's going to kill Penny—it seems perfectly clear that:
These two have known each other a very long time. (Ben to Charles: "Since when do you sleep with a bottle of Scotch next to the bed?")
They've had some sort of major falling-out that has led to all-out, daughter-slaying war. (Charles to Ben: "Everything you have you took from me.")
In the divorce, maybe Charles got the money and Ben got the Island? Or were they roommates—an Odd Couple gone madly awry after too many quarrels over spilled milk?
Ben Is Hunting Penelope, and Charles Is Hunting the Island:
Awe. Some. What do you wanna bet that the series finale will be Ben and Charles and Penny and Des all meeting up on Lost Island for the ultimate showdown? Booyah!
Ben Says He "Can't" Kill Charles Widmore:
Perhaps this is a "rule" set up by Jacob/the man behind the curtain. Or perhaps...Chuckie-boy physically cannot be killed, just as with Michael.
LOL Moment of the Night:
Sawyer screaming at everyone to "Get inside!" as every non-series-regular in sight was immediately shot down, rapid fire. Turns out employment contracts are better than bullet-proof vests or invisibility cloaks. Yay!
Claire Is Alive!
So, the blast leveled Claire's house but left her looking totally unscathed without so much as her wig off-kilter?! Awesome! Somebody's looking out for our little Claire-bear.
Alex Is Dead:
Wow. Wow. Wow. Was anyone anticipating Widmore's thug would actually pull the trigger and shoot our little Scrappy in the head? Clearly, Ben was not. Alex was so sweet and beautiful and full of future-storyline potential, you'd think the "Island" would protect her à la Michael and make the trigger jam or the bullet a dud! But alas, Alex is indeed dead, as confirmed by future Ben's future words with Charles. Sigh.
Ben Does Have a Heart:
Who knew?! I pictured his innards all hollow and moldy, like a bachelor fridge. But those were real tears he shed over Alex, and they came when no one was looking. Henry Gale is the Tin Man, after all!
Let's Get Our Geography On!
First, you should know that La Brea and Santa Monica Boulevard, where Nadia's assassin was spotted via traffic-light cam, is an actual place with an actual traffic cam. I know this because I personally have received a red-light ticket from that very camera. (I also got pulled over while leaving the Lost set two weeks ago, but that's another story for another time.) We learned tonight that Nadia was killed three blocks from La Brea and Santa Monica, which just so happens to be the very area in which Joss Whedon was shooting Dollhouse today! Coinkydink? You bet!
The Liar, the Which and the Wardrobe:
Where the bejeezus did Ben go when he holed himself up in the wardrobe closet and conjured up the smoke monster? Given that he entered the closet squeaky clean and returned all covered in soot, can we assume he had to get the monster's engine started by shoveling coal into Smoky? Also, is it possible that there does indeed exist a whole underground web of tunnels that connect the hatches? Carlton Cuse did (jokingly?) tease to us last year, "There's a vast subterranean culture that we haven't revealed." Hmmmm!
Easter Egg Hunt:
If you're into the TiVo moments of this show, and draft out the floor plans of the Dharma stations in your spare time, you're gonna wanna check out Doc Arzt's awesome Easter Egg slide show for this ep, which includes a look at the Orchid Station letterman's jacket, the Black Rock above Widmore's bed, the hieroglyphics on the way to the monster pen (paging Lost's Egyptologist fans) and the ever-morphing mystery woman on Ben's wall.
"Australia's the Key to the Whole Game":
So sayeth Hurley during tonight's game of Risk, and I sayeth we listen! Flight 815 originated in Sydney, por supuesto, as did Aaron and Claire, who are supposedly integral to what Lost is all about...Not to mention Charles Widmore's obvious Aussie accent! (OK, that might be unintentional, since Alan Dale is from the Land Down Under in real life, but still.)
Also... Ben was doing his cute little Ben thing and bold-faced lying to Sayid about how he got off Lost island. Desmond's boat? As if! He rode the Dharma polar bear express to the Sahara, rode a pony from there into Tunisia and then it's totally unclear how he got to Iraq. See below for a little geography lesson brought to you by our fun pink crayon...
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