My thoughts on LA X p2:
I still think there's an alien twist to this.I think that Jacob and the MIB are aliens sent to experiment w humans.So in actuality, the show is an experiment within an experiment within an experiment.
Let's start with present day or close to it. The Dharma Initiative experimented with other humans(humanitarians).The Others experimented with the Dharma Init. And originally the aliens were sent to experiment with mankind(The others). This was revealed when MIB told Jacob while seeing The Black Rock at sea that "They will corrupt-its always the same."
Naturally,the MIB wants to conquer everything because he's bored.He's been there so long and has no fun keeping balance (the Ying to Jacobs Yang).So that's why you hear him say this season(as John Locke) that unlike John HE WANTS to go home. He wants to go back to his planet.He's bored with this already.
Richard looks scared to death of MIB because he probably witnessed the MIB kill all his slave mates on the Black Rock.
Sayid on the other hand,sadly is dead.Just like John is really dead.The shell of Sayid remains, but will not be there much longer.He has been taken by the dark side(sorry for the star wars pun).His case is different than Bens born again experience because the spring was tainted (due to Jacobs death).
Poor old Jack.Kudos for trying to take the pill, but please get some balls this season! Please!
Kate-I would have never taken Kate for being so rude to a pregnant girl in a car jacking!
Nice to see Ethan-But this time he was Goodspeed(Juliets old flame that Anna Lucia killed).
Claire-Not sure where this one's going.She seemed a lil Rousseau-crazy if u know what I mean. Is she setting up the new traps and taking the place of Russo because she is mad that her baybee is gone???
Walt-you think we will see him again?
What about the dog???
I don't know about you but I think I have more questions than answers at this point!
Hope u all stay warm in ur Hatches!Major snow storm here!Biggest in history!Stay safe and until next time---
<3 U all madly!!!
The Lost Season 5 Countdown

Welcome one and all to the official blog page for station #12, The Shotglass.
Here at The Shotglass, we class ourselves as friends, not just a group of Lost fans that happen to be in the same place at the same time. We like to bring a fun element into the Lost community.
We have our own chatroom where we like to grab a dharmabeer, kick back and chat about whatever comes up. We have various pages of our blog--- which are ever expanding.
We want to hear what you think of the pages so please, get in contact, leave some feedback, what you would like to see here, what you like, what you don't like, or any improvements we could make. After all, we couldn't do this without you. Your contributions make us able to do what we do.
We also have a weekly competition for hatch hottie of the week. There are 2 separate competitions, one for girls, one for guys. Girls email entries to
Guys email entriesToni And Niki
Thanks for your support everyone. Hope to hear your thoughts soon
Niki, Toni, Wes and Croucher.
Here at The Shotglass, we class ourselves as friends, not just a group of Lost fans that happen to be in the same place at the same time. We like to bring a fun element into the Lost community.
We have our own chatroom where we like to grab a dharmabeer, kick back and chat about whatever comes up. We have various pages of our blog--- which are ever expanding.
We want to hear what you think of the pages so please, get in contact, leave some feedback, what you would like to see here, what you like, what you don't like, or any improvements we could make. After all, we couldn't do this without you. Your contributions make us able to do what we do.
We also have a weekly competition for hatch hottie of the week. There are 2 separate competitions, one for girls, one for guys. Girls email entries to
Guys email entries
Thanks for your support everyone. Hope to hear your thoughts soon
Niki, Toni, Wes and Croucher.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
A few things I have noticed!
A lot of you Dharmaholics have probably watched the episodes so far as closely as I have and as many times as I have, so these things may not be a big surprise for you. But in the first 3 episodes of this season I have picked up on quite a few things that kinda make no sense, but some sense at the same time.
Firstly, if we look at the Pilot episode and LAX/What Kate Does there are a few inconsitencies. Examples?
Pilot: Cindy gives Jack 2 bottles of vodka.
LAX: Cindy gives Jack 1 bottle of vodka.
Pilot: Rose is carrying Bernards wedding ring as his fingers swell when he flies
LAX: Bernard is WEARING his wedding band.
Perhaps one of the most confusing differences for me was the Sun/Jin difference.
Pilot: Sun is Mrs Kwon
LAX Sun is Miss Paik and NOT wearing a wedding band.
I wonder if this is related to what anti-Locke said to Sawyer about not being sure if it was Sun or Jins name in the cave?
OK, now onto my favourite part, theories. I'm actually a little short on theories so far this season, but I'm sure that will change in the next few weeks.
As you all love for CHARLIE has never died and never will, but I'm starting to think the FATE on the knuckles may be more than just a random event.
As we see in the 'alternate timeline' Claire is basically forced to keep Aaron as his adoptive parents no longer want him. On the island she was also forced into keeping him and later realised she did really want to keep him all along. Also, Charlie... he was going to die one way or another in both timelines. He told Jack he was SUPPOSED to die. Another example of FATE. Kate DID escape Edward in both timelines...FATE people, FATE. One way or another, all out lostaways are meeting up with one anoyther in the 'alternate timeline'. This suggests to me they were all destined to meet whether Jacob willed it or not.
Alpert is a person of HUGE interest for me this season. I'm REALLY hoping we get to see where and when he came from. Also I would LOVE to know exactly WHAT Jacob did to him. What we know so far is he is VERY old and Jacob made him the way he is. My theory is that Alpert arrived on the Black Rock. i think this because of anti-Lockes comment 'good to see you out of those chains'. I think Alpert was made the way he is by Jacob because of his prior knowledge of the Hanso's. As we all know, Magnus Hanso (captain of the Black Rock) was the great great? grandfather of Alvar Hanso (financial backer for DHARMA). So if a random prson arrives and has knowledge on those trying to exploit the island...I would want to keep them around for as long as possible.
Sayid and Claire are the thing worrying me at the moment. I have heard people mention about Sayid's current situation and asking why they would want to kill him if his death will bring trouble. My answer to that is...HE DID DIE and now he has been taken over by the darkness and now they ARE in a lot of trouble. I think they need to poison him BEFORE the darkness reaches his heart because THEN he will become some kind of immortal maybe? Claire: I've never been her biggest fact she has ALWAYS annoyed the hell out of me! nevertheless i still want to know what the hell is going on with her crazy Danielle style at the moment. Does the fact she was taken over by the darkness mean she died too? Can only dead people be infected or can the living also be infected?
Back to the anti-Locke. At the end of Subsitute, a couple of quite meaningful things occured for me. Firstly, the white and black stones on the balance. Equally balanced to begin with, then the white is removed, leaving only the dark. Secondly, the numbers and the names of the 815 survivors. The only one of them I can see any kind of coincidence anywhere to is Jack..Number 23. His seat number on the ORIGINAL flight was 23A. All of the other losties and their numbers don't match to any seating that I can see. In fact only losties that had any of THE numbers as a seat number, were Jack, Rose, Bernard and Ana Lucia. Maybe me reading too much into it, but I REFUSE to believe the numbers against their names are just because 'Jacob got a thing for numbers'.
Ilana...I found it very interesting that she took some of the ashes that Jacob left behind after he burnt up in just a minute or so. Two things crossed my mind about this. 1: The ahses will be used to somehow ressurect/clone Jacob or 2: They will be used as some kind of weapon against the anti-Locke.
Anyway....enough of my thoughts now. Please email me any thoughts you wish to share, or just leave them in comments below. I will expand on my random thoughts once I have had time to fully digest another few episodes.
Firstly, if we look at the Pilot episode and LAX/What Kate Does there are a few inconsitencies. Examples?
Pilot: Cindy gives Jack 2 bottles of vodka.
LAX: Cindy gives Jack 1 bottle of vodka.
Pilot: Rose is carrying Bernards wedding ring as his fingers swell when he flies
LAX: Bernard is WEARING his wedding band.
Perhaps one of the most confusing differences for me was the Sun/Jin difference.
Pilot: Sun is Mrs Kwon
LAX Sun is Miss Paik and NOT wearing a wedding band.
I wonder if this is related to what anti-Locke said to Sawyer about not being sure if it was Sun or Jins name in the cave?
OK, now onto my favourite part, theories. I'm actually a little short on theories so far this season, but I'm sure that will change in the next few weeks.
As you all love for CHARLIE has never died and never will, but I'm starting to think the FATE on the knuckles may be more than just a random event.
As we see in the 'alternate timeline' Claire is basically forced to keep Aaron as his adoptive parents no longer want him. On the island she was also forced into keeping him and later realised she did really want to keep him all along. Also, Charlie... he was going to die one way or another in both timelines. He told Jack he was SUPPOSED to die. Another example of FATE. Kate DID escape Edward in both timelines...FATE people, FATE. One way or another, all out lostaways are meeting up with one anoyther in the 'alternate timeline'. This suggests to me they were all destined to meet whether Jacob willed it or not.
Alpert is a person of HUGE interest for me this season. I'm REALLY hoping we get to see where and when he came from. Also I would LOVE to know exactly WHAT Jacob did to him. What we know so far is he is VERY old and Jacob made him the way he is. My theory is that Alpert arrived on the Black Rock. i think this because of anti-Lockes comment 'good to see you out of those chains'. I think Alpert was made the way he is by Jacob because of his prior knowledge of the Hanso's. As we all know, Magnus Hanso (captain of the Black Rock) was the great great? grandfather of Alvar Hanso (financial backer for DHARMA). So if a random prson arrives and has knowledge on those trying to exploit the island...I would want to keep them around for as long as possible.
Sayid and Claire are the thing worrying me at the moment. I have heard people mention about Sayid's current situation and asking why they would want to kill him if his death will bring trouble. My answer to that is...HE DID DIE and now he has been taken over by the darkness and now they ARE in a lot of trouble. I think they need to poison him BEFORE the darkness reaches his heart because THEN he will become some kind of immortal maybe? Claire: I've never been her biggest fact she has ALWAYS annoyed the hell out of me! nevertheless i still want to know what the hell is going on with her crazy Danielle style at the moment. Does the fact she was taken over by the darkness mean she died too? Can only dead people be infected or can the living also be infected?
Back to the anti-Locke. At the end of Subsitute, a couple of quite meaningful things occured for me. Firstly, the white and black stones on the balance. Equally balanced to begin with, then the white is removed, leaving only the dark. Secondly, the numbers and the names of the 815 survivors. The only one of them I can see any kind of coincidence anywhere to is Jack..Number 23. His seat number on the ORIGINAL flight was 23A. All of the other losties and their numbers don't match to any seating that I can see. In fact only losties that had any of THE numbers as a seat number, were Jack, Rose, Bernard and Ana Lucia. Maybe me reading too much into it, but I REFUSE to believe the numbers against their names are just because 'Jacob got a thing for numbers'.
Ilana...I found it very interesting that she took some of the ashes that Jacob left behind after he burnt up in just a minute or so. Two things crossed my mind about this. 1: The ahses will be used to somehow ressurect/clone Jacob or 2: They will be used as some kind of weapon against the anti-Locke.
Anyway....enough of my thoughts now. Please email me any thoughts you wish to share, or just leave them in comments below. I will expand on my random thoughts once I have had time to fully digest another few episodes.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Final Season!
Hey guys....
We are at the finishing post. Yes. The final season of our beloved LOST.
We all have so much to talk about and so many thoughts to throw around. As a few of you know we have had a new chatroom created by CHILIDOG! For the me atTHE SHOTGLASS and don't forget to email me any thoughts, theories or general discussions so I can get them posted here to share with everyone else!
Hopefully we can get some of the old regulars back for this last season.
I also hope there will be one more dharmahol fuelled night ahead of us for the last EVER episode of LOST!
Remember....drink together....barf alone!
We are at the finishing post. Yes. The final season of our beloved LOST.
We all have so much to talk about and so many thoughts to throw around. As a few of you know we have had a new chatroom created by CHILIDOG! For the me at
Hopefully we can get some of the old regulars back for this last season.
I also hope there will be one more dharmahol fuelled night ahead of us for the last EVER episode of LOST!
Remember....drink together....barf alone!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Matt's 1950 Merc... STUNNING!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
What do you make of this photo?
I happened to be wandering through pics at my fave Matthew Fox site and came across some that were interesting....
We saw JIN in a Dharma jumpsuit-NOW guess who else gets to wear one?

That's right-FOXY! But what do u think this means? Could he be a Dharma member in another parallel universe? Or is it an undercover operation? NOTICE: the suit says: JACK and I believe "WORKMAN" underneath!
Roger????Our beloved founder????
I happened to be wandering through pics at my fave Matthew Fox site and came across some that were interesting....
We saw JIN in a Dharma jumpsuit-NOW guess who else gets to wear one?

That's right-FOXY! But what do u think this means? Could he be a Dharma member in another parallel universe? Or is it an undercover operation? NOTICE: the suit says: JACK and I believe "WORKMAN" underneath!
Roger????Our beloved founder????
So I was at a bookstore the other day and there was my FOXY! On the cover of DETAILS!!! The photos are great and he discusses his 1950 Mercury that he had restored! (NOTLOST- don't forget to tell him I want a ride!)
Here's the cover pic:

And here's a pic of Matt's Merc:(complete with GHOST FLAMES!)

MATT CALL ME!!!!! lol....NIKI
Here's the cover pic:

And here's a pic of Matt's Merc:(complete with GHOST FLAMES!)

MATT CALL ME!!!!! lol....NIKI
Hey Dharmaholics,
Niki here, updating from a secret hatch called The Shotglass in an undisclosed location in time AND space....
WHAT AN EPISODE! Mind-blowing episodes are back! I really enjoyed this week's epi cuz it had me saying what we all usually say during LOST: "WTF?"!!!!
Here's a recap expertlt done by Kristin over at E! online~ENJOY!
There's No Place Like Home:
In the words of Kate Austen, "We're back." Lo and behold, to get back to the land of Oz, you just implement drunk Jack's wackadoodle plan of getting on a plane and hoping for it to crash! According to Mrs. Hawking, the key was to replicate the circumstances of their first crash as closely as possible and then just ride along a certain flight path identified by the pendulum over the energy cell at the Lamppost Station. (Uh, sure, lady.) But luckily for the kiddos involved, the replica didn't have to be perfect, which explains why Aaron (who was present, albeit itty-bitty, when 815 crashed) could be left behind.
Over the Rainbow:
Despite the fact they may be dragging some innocent flight attendants with them, I was honored and proud to watch the Oceanic Six as they experienced a little in-flight turbulence on Ajira 316 and still flew directly into their oncoming fears. Our brave little toasters are going back to the Island! They don't have to?they are safe and rich back in the real world?but they're like Navy SEALs, and now that they have a choice in the matter, they're not leaving their friends behind!
?Donde Esta Desmond?
Desmond has done his dream-induced duty and is now returning to the loving arms of Penny. Do you think that reunion sticks, or is Mrs. Hawking right about the Island not being done with Des? Post in the comments.
They Totally Totally Told Each Other So!
Boy, Jack and Locke are still so angry at each other! Locke's suicide note was, well, one big fat guilt-complex-inducing rendition of "I told you so," and Jack was crankypants squared when he was left alone with "Jeremy Bentham." Can't we all just get along?
Easter Eggs:
(Attention, English professors: Next time you're trying to explain "intertextuality" to your students, just bring up Lost, and they'll get it right quick...)
Ben was reading James Joyce's Ulysses, which is, of course, a psychedelic Irish novel that had a few Easter Eggs of its own and was based on the ancient myth of Odysseus, a lost sailor who is kept from his love, Penelope, by a series of wildly unbelievable but nonetheless thrilling adventures.
Commenter Jules tipped us off to a C.S. Lewis nod: "Did anyone notice The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe reference with the Lamppost Station? They came out of the wardrobe at the lamppost, and it was where they knew they could get back to their world." Holler!
Christian Shephard's white shoes/black shoes situation continues the show's flirtation with those constrasting colors.
Jack's seat number was 8C, and the flight left from gate 15.
Some Burning Questions:
This was a good old-fashioned Lost episode. You can tell because of how we are left with tons of new questions after the fact! To wit:
How did hero Hurley learn of Ajira flight 316 from his jail cell, with time to spare to buy up all the seats? (God, that dude is awesome.)?
Why did Hurley bring a guitar? Was it to re-create Charlie's presence on the original flight, or is it for Charlie on the Island?
Why is Sayid in cuffs, and how did he learn about the flight?
Are passenger Caesar (Sa?d Taghmaoui) and Sayid's escort Ilana (Zuleikha Robinson) just unlucky schmucks who are about to land on Lost Island, or are they undercover O6 escorts sent by Team Hawking??
What kind of magical childcare did Kate find for Aaron?
Who beat up Ben Linus and why? I mean, beating up Ben is all in good fun, but it's hard to get the drop on the dude, so who done it?!
If there was no crash of Ajira 316, did the Losties just flash out of the plane, and if so, how is that going to be explained short of an episode of Fringe?
Niki here, updating from a secret hatch called The Shotglass in an undisclosed location in time AND space....
WHAT AN EPISODE! Mind-blowing episodes are back! I really enjoyed this week's epi cuz it had me saying what we all usually say during LOST: "WTF?"!!!!
Here's a recap expertlt done by Kristin over at E! online~ENJOY!
There's No Place Like Home:
In the words of Kate Austen, "We're back." Lo and behold, to get back to the land of Oz, you just implement drunk Jack's wackadoodle plan of getting on a plane and hoping for it to crash! According to Mrs. Hawking, the key was to replicate the circumstances of their first crash as closely as possible and then just ride along a certain flight path identified by the pendulum over the energy cell at the Lamppost Station. (Uh, sure, lady.) But luckily for the kiddos involved, the replica didn't have to be perfect, which explains why Aaron (who was present, albeit itty-bitty, when 815 crashed) could be left behind.
Over the Rainbow:
Despite the fact they may be dragging some innocent flight attendants with them, I was honored and proud to watch the Oceanic Six as they experienced a little in-flight turbulence on Ajira 316 and still flew directly into their oncoming fears. Our brave little toasters are going back to the Island! They don't have to?they are safe and rich back in the real world?but they're like Navy SEALs, and now that they have a choice in the matter, they're not leaving their friends behind!
?Donde Esta Desmond?
Desmond has done his dream-induced duty and is now returning to the loving arms of Penny. Do you think that reunion sticks, or is Mrs. Hawking right about the Island not being done with Des? Post in the comments.
They Totally Totally Told Each Other So!
Boy, Jack and Locke are still so angry at each other! Locke's suicide note was, well, one big fat guilt-complex-inducing rendition of "I told you so," and Jack was crankypants squared when he was left alone with "Jeremy Bentham." Can't we all just get along?
Easter Eggs:
(Attention, English professors: Next time you're trying to explain "intertextuality" to your students, just bring up Lost, and they'll get it right quick...)
Ben was reading James Joyce's Ulysses, which is, of course, a psychedelic Irish novel that had a few Easter Eggs of its own and was based on the ancient myth of Odysseus, a lost sailor who is kept from his love, Penelope, by a series of wildly unbelievable but nonetheless thrilling adventures.
Commenter Jules tipped us off to a C.S. Lewis nod: "Did anyone notice The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe reference with the Lamppost Station? They came out of the wardrobe at the lamppost, and it was where they knew they could get back to their world." Holler!
Christian Shephard's white shoes/black shoes situation continues the show's flirtation with those constrasting colors.
Jack's seat number was 8C, and the flight left from gate 15.
Some Burning Questions:
This was a good old-fashioned Lost episode. You can tell because of how we are left with tons of new questions after the fact! To wit:
How did hero Hurley learn of Ajira flight 316 from his jail cell, with time to spare to buy up all the seats? (God, that dude is awesome.)?
Why did Hurley bring a guitar? Was it to re-create Charlie's presence on the original flight, or is it for Charlie on the Island?
Why is Sayid in cuffs, and how did he learn about the flight?
Are passenger Caesar (Sa?d Taghmaoui) and Sayid's escort Ilana (Zuleikha Robinson) just unlucky schmucks who are about to land on Lost Island, or are they undercover O6 escorts sent by Team Hawking??
What kind of magical childcare did Kate find for Aaron?
Who beat up Ben Linus and why? I mean, beating up Ben is all in good fun, but it's hard to get the drop on the dude, so who done it?!
If there was no crash of Ajira 316, did the Losties just flash out of the plane, and if so, how is that going to be explained short of an episode of Fringe?
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