The Lost Season 5 Countdown

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Welcome one and all to the official blog page for station #12, The Shotglass.

Here at The Shotglass, we class ourselves as friends, not just a group of Lost fans that happen to be in the same place at the same time. We like to bring a fun element into the Lost community.

We have our own chatroom where we like to grab a dharmabeer, kick back and chat about whatever comes up. We have various pages of our blog--- which are ever expanding.

We want to hear what you think of the pages so please, get in contact, leave some feedback, what you would like to see here, what you like, what you don't like, or any improvements we could make. After all, we couldn't do this without you. Your contributions make us able to do what we do.

We also have a weekly competition for hatch hottie of the week. There are 2 separate competitions, one for girls, one for guys. Girls email entries to
  • Croucher

  • Guys email entries
  • Toni
  • And
  • Niki

  • Thanks for your support everyone. Hope to hear your thoughts soon

    Niki, Toni, Wes and Croucher.

    Saturday, February 21, 2009

    What do you make of this photo?

    I happened to be wandering through pics at my fave Matthew Fox site and came across some that were interesting....

    We saw JIN in a Dharma jumpsuit-NOW guess who else gets to wear one?

    That's right-FOXY! But what do u think this means? Could he be a Dharma member in another parallel universe? Or is it an undercover operation? NOTICE: the suit says: JACK and I believe "WORKMAN" underneath!

    Roger????Our beloved founder????

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