As soon as the new Dharma Logo was revealed on DHARMAWANTSYOU.COM
I noticed that if you look at the WEST and EASTERN portions you will see that the WEST is an "H" and the EAST is an "O"....
This isn't the first time we've seen "HO" in Lost mythology.
HO appeared a few times in "The Beginning of the End." Remember when Charlie appeared to Hurley in the gas station (he was standing next to a rack of Ho Hos)? H and O were present during Jack and Hurley's game of Horse, and the elemental symbol for Ho was a sculpture at the SANTA ROSA.
The big clue to "HO" is the chemical connection to "Holmium" (using the symbol "HO").
Holmium is "the highest magnetic moment of any naturally-occurring element and possesses other unusual magnetic properties."
Those sneaky LOST guys!
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